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Medicated Timed Intercourse

Medicated Timed Intercourse Cycle Specialist in Provo, and North Logan, UT

Medicated timed intercourse is a simple infertility treatment that involves monitoring the ovarian cycle with ultrasound and hormone testing and having sexual intercourse during the individual’s most fertile period, which stimulates egg production, induces ovulation, and increases the chances of natural conception. If you want to learn more about the medicated timed intercourse cycle, consult Dr. Andrew K. Moore, M.D., and his staff at Conceptions Fertility Center. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Provo, UT, and North Logan, UT.

Medicated Timed Intercourse Cycle Specialist Near Me in Provo, and North Logan, UT
Medicated Timed Intercourse Cycle Specialist Near Me in Provo, and North Logan, UT

Table of Contents:

What happens in timed intercourse?
What is the success rate of medicated cycles with timed intercourse?
What is the timed intercourse procedure?
How long does it take to get pregnant with timed intercourse?

What happens in timed intercourse?

Timed intercourse is a fertility treatment method that involves carefully scheduling sexual intercourse to coincide with a woman’s most fertile window, the time during her menstrual cycle when she is most likely to conceive. This approach leverages an understanding of the ovulation cycle to maximize the chances of sperm meeting the egg. In addition, medication can be prescribed during a timed intercourse cycle to stimulate egg production, induce ovulation, and increase the chances of conception.

A medicated timed intercourse cycle is often recommended as a first step for couples experiencing mild fertility issues. It’s a non-invasive method that can be tried before moving on to more invasive approaches like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The process starts with monitoring the woman’s menstrual cycle to predict when she will ovulate. This can be done through various methods, such as ovulation predictor kits, monitoring basal body temperature, or tracking changes in cervical mucus. Once the ovulation period is identified, the couple is advised to have sexual intercourse during this fertile window. Medication to aid ovulation, such as Clomid, may be prescribed by the reproduction specialist.

What is the success rate of medicated cycles with timed intercourse?

After a medicated cycle with timed intercourse, the chances you will get pregnant are higher. However, the success rate of this approach is influenced by various factors, such as your age, the medication prescribed, and underlying health conditions affecting your fertility. Generally, younger women tend to have higher success rates with fertility treatments. Furthermore, the presence of underlying health conditions, such as endometriosis, will also affect how successful your treatment will be.

To enhance the success rate of your medicated cycle with timed intercourse, it’s strongly urged that you maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition, while some couples don’t succeed on their first medicated cycle, undergoing several cycles will further increase the chances of getting pregnant. Given the many variables that influence the success rate of medicated timed intercourse, it’s crucial for couples interested in this treatment to come in for a thorough consultation with a reproduction specialist.

What is the timed intercourse procedure?

Several steps make up the timed intercourse procedure. The primary step is to determine when the ovulation window is. This can be done through ultrasound monitoring, tracking basal body temperature, or ovulation predictor kits. In a medicated timed intercourse approach, the doctor will prescribe medication, such as Clomid or Femara, to increase the success of the treatment.

The ovaries will be monitored through blood work and ultrasounds every two to three days to ensure ovulation is progressing as expected. This is done to minimize the likelihood of a high-risk multiple pregnancy. Once the egg reaches optimal development, the specialist will administer a trigger shot containing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is a hormone that will signal the follicles to release the egg.

After the trigger shot is administered, the couple is instructed to have sex as often as possible in the privacy of their home. One week later, a blood test will be performed to evaluate progesterone levels. If your progesterone levels are low, your doctor will provide you with supplemental progesterone to support your endometrial lining and the implantation process.

Typically, a pregnancy test is taken two weeks following the ovulation. If the cycle is unsuccessful, another cycle with adjusted medication levels or a different fertility treatment will be recommended.

How long does it take to get pregnant with timed intercourse?

The length of time it takes to achieve a pregnancy with timed intercourse depends on many different factors, such as age, general wellness, and frequency of intercourse during ovulation. Timed intercourse increases the chances of conception. About 92% of women using timed intercourse achieve pregnancy within 12 months.

Age is a major factor in the effectiveness of this fertility treatment. While women 25 and younger have a 45% chance of achieving pregnancy on their first cycle of timed intercourse, women over 35 have a 20% chance of conceiving on their first cycle. As you have the best chances of becoming pregnant in the five days before ovulation, you should try to be as sexually active as possible during this period.

The medicated timed intercourse cycle is a structured strategy to optimize the fertile window for infertile individuals. If you are trying to conceive through timed intercourse, consult our specialists at Conceptions Fertility Center. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We serve patients from Provo UT, Orem UT, Mapleton UT, Vineyard UT, Highland UT, North Logan UT, Hyde Park UT, Smithfield UT, Benson UT, Logan UT, and surrounding areas.

Locations to Conceptions Fertility Center, Fertility Clinic

Provo, UT

North Logan, UT

  • 2245 N 400 E Suite 201, North Logan, UT 84341
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